We gather in silence weekly, expectant for the Living Silence, Inner Light, God -- the Divine. We meet Sundays at 11 am - 12 noon. Announcements and refreshments last until 12:30 pm.
We are an unprogrammed meeting - meaning there is no person who leads the worship.
Once a month, we read the Queries aloud from the Philadelphia Yearly Meeting Faith and Practice book at the beginning of the worship service.
We welcome visitors of all faiths, experiences, and beliefs to join us.
To learn more about Quaker worship and Quakers, see our
Frequently Asked Questions, Monthly
Queries for Worship, and
Quakerism Beginnings pages.
615 Montgomery Avenue (Activities Building)
653 Montgomery Avenue (Meeting House)
Merion Station, PA 19066
615 Montgomery Avenue (Activities Building)
653 Montgomery Avenue (Meeting House)
Merion Station, PA 19066