In an all-ages, engrossing story, Carrie Chapman Catt will tell of her role in passing the 19th amendment, heading the important group NAWSA, founding the League of Women voters, working as a journalist, and more. She will take questions afterwards!
Learn about local area suffragists from the early 1900s.
Do they remind you of today's social activists?
Black women were not always welcomed by white suffragists, their fight for suffrage sometimes joined with white women but was cruelly separate - as their legal suffrage would not be guaranteed until the passage of the 1964 Civil Rights Act.
"[M]any women today are failing properly to discharge their duties to their own families and household simply because they fail to see that as society grows more complicated it is necessary that women shall extend her sense of responsibility to many things outside of her home, if only to preserve the home in entirety."
"Don't ever stop. Keep going. If you want a taste of freedom, keep going."
"Let woman then go on - not asking favors, but claiming as a right the removal of all hindrances to her elevation in the scale of being."
“The labor of women in the house, certainly, enables men to produce more wealth than they otherwise could; and in this way women are economic factors in society. But so are horses.”
"... the women of culture throughout the country placidly accept the comfortable conditions in which they find themselves. They receive without question the formulated theories of woman's sphere... occasionally an original thinker steps out of the ranks and finds herself after a while with a few followers. They remain but few, however, for it is too much trouble to think."
"There will never be a new world order until women are a part of it."
"In the adjustment of the new order of things, we women demand an equal voice; we shall accept nothing less."
"No self-respecting woman should wish or work for the success of a party who ignores her sex."
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615 Montgomery Avenue (Activities Building)
653 Montgomery Avenue (Meeting House)
Merion Station, PA 19066