This page was written and researched by Janet Frazer, our archivist and historian. The sources she used are documented here.
Bowman, Deborah. “Diary of Deborah Bowman”. Diary. 1832. Chester County Historical Society.
Edouart, August. A Quaker Album. Richmond: Cheswick Press, 1987.
1850 Lower Merion Township Census. Family Search
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1850 “United States Federal Census”. National Records and Archives Administration.
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< > (accessed
“Marriage Certificate for Paiste and Roberts”. Merion, 1832. Certificate.. Swarthmore College,
Friends Historical Library.
“Merion Preparatory Meeting Minutes,1702-1705, 1790-1878”. Minutes. Swarthmore College,
Friends Historical Library
“Merion Preparatory Meeting Miscellaneous Finances, Subscriptions and expenditures for themeetinghouse 1713-14”. Swarthmore College, Friends Historical Library
Price, Joseph. “Diary”, 1788-1800. Diary. Lower Merion Historical Society. . (Accessed 8/8/2017).
“Philadelphia Quarterly Minutes 1682-1685”. Minutes. Swarthmore College, Friends Historical
Quaker Records. 1681-1935 (database on-line). Provo, Utah. USA Ancestry. Com Operations,
Inc., 2014. < U?S?> (accessed 8/15/2017).
“Radnor Monthly Meeting Minutes 1684-1733 , 1750-1775, 1782-1803, 1812-1825”. Swarthmore College, Friends Historical Library.
“Radnor women’s minutes 1685-1711 and 1711-1746”. Minutes. Swarthmore College, Friends
Historical Library.
“Rules of Discipline of the Yearly Meeting of Friends, held in Philadelphia”. Philadelphia: John Richards, 1843. <Rules of Discipline of the Yearly Meeting of Friends. Philadelphia: Philadelphia Yearly Meeting, 1843.
(> (accessed 8/11/2017).
“Rules of Discipline of the Yearly Meeting of Friends, held in Philadelphia”. Philadelphia: John Richards, 1856 <>. accessed 8/11/2017).
Schools. Folder. DAR-Friends Philadelphia PA 100/S3/D-F.Swarthmore College, Friends Historical Library.
Speakman Family. From: Photograph Archive, 1850s. Box MC850. Chester County Historical
Society, West Chester.
“U.S. 1850 census on agriculture”. PHMC
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Walker, James B. Poem and Francis Barton Gummere. “Bi-centennial Anniversary of the
Friends' Meetinghouse at Merion, Pennsylvania 1695-1895.” Delhi: Facsimile Publisher, reprint
Westtown Supplement. Folder. PA 100/S3/W Schools: Westtown. Swarthmore College, Friends Historical Library.
Yarnall Family. From: Photograph Archive, 1850s. Box Haverford College, Quaker and Special Collections.
Browning, Charles H. Welsh Settlement of Pennsylvania, Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing
Co., 1912 orig. 1967
Facenda, "David Mark. Merion Friends Meeting House Documentation and Site Analysis". Phil:
U. of Penn, 2002.
Frederick, C.B., ed. Dear Hannah: a collection of. letters depicting Quaker Life in Rural
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1850-1860. Jean Norway, 2011.
Frost, J. William. The Quaker Family in Colonial America . Nyack:St. Martin's Press, 1973.
Harvey, Margaret."The Incomleted Burial Records of Merion (Pa.) Meeting, Graveyard". USGen
Web Archives.
Hires, Charles E. A Short Historical Sketch of the Old Merion Meeting House. Merion. Pa:
Jones, T. Canby. "The Establishment and Devlopment of Haverford (Radnor) MM 1684-1735".
Thesis. Haverford: Haverford College Bulletin, 1941?
Kashatus, William. A Virtuous Education. Wallingford: Pendle Hill, 1997.
Levy, Barry. "The Origins and Legacy of the Pennsylvania Quakers. History Now: Journal of the
Gilder Lehrman Institute.
Matlak, T. Chalkley. Brief Historical Sketches concerning Friends Meetings of the Past and
Present with special reference to Philadelphia Yearly Meeting. Moorestown
NJ: 1938
Michener, Ezra. “Retrospect of Early Quakerism, being extracts from the records of PYM and
the meetings composing it. To which is prefixed an account of their first establishment”.
Philadelphia: T. Elwood Zell, 1860.
Native American Net Roots. .
Speakman Family. Photograph Archive, 1850s. Box MC850. Chester County Historical Society,
West Chester.
Woody, Thomas. Early Quaker education in Philadelphia, NYC: Teachers a College, Columbia
"Written Historical & Descriptive Data HABS National Park Service, US Department of Interior,
1849 C Street, NW, Washington DC.
Title or short description
Title or short description
615 Montgomery Avenue (Activities Building)
653 Montgomery Avenue (Meeting House)
Merion Station, PA 19066